Behind Every Hero Is An Amazing Mentor

I remember when my teenage son used to play Animal Crossing, a life-simulation game published by Nintendo. He created his own character and he created his own life by the choices he made. He earned money, prioritized purchases, furnished his home, followed his quests.

He was the hero in his own life and he sought out meaningful encounters with mentors who could help him on his journey.

Did you know that your buyer is the hero in his life, and he is seeking a mentor to help him along his way?

He stands at a crossroads, hesitant to move forward in a new direction. Even one that promises to be empowering.

He seeks a meaningful encounter to inform his journey.

He seeks a mentor.

And you are in a prime position to be that mentor.

Not because you have all the answers. But because what you’ve learned in your life, you share from your heart.

You’re like the hero in Joseph Campbell’s fable who leaves his ordinary life to go on an adventure. Through a decisive crisis, he wins a victory. His life is forever changed, and he returns home with an elixir or a treasure, and a life’s mission to share it with others.

That is a powerful story, and it’s playing out on some level in each of our lives.

What I learn on my journey is meant to be shared with you; what you learn on your journey is meant to be shared with someone else.

Reality is, we all learn life’s lessons from someone or something we experience in our lives.

We are each the hero in our own life and mentors to others in spots.

A good mentor is critical in preparing the hero to face the unknown, to accept the call to adventure, to overcome his fear and take his next steps.

A good mentor provides knowledge and supplies and confidence, not just by selling a product or a course, but by nurturing a relationship.

Relationship is too often the missing link in marketing.

Because no one really wants to buy your product. But they are eager to buy a better version of themselves and someone who cares to walk alongside them for a spell.

I would love to help you share your special elixir. Reach out to me here!

Mentoring the sale through relationship-based marketing. Because the next best thing to following your bliss is empowering someone else to follow theirs.

Finding Your Bliss

Your bliss, then, etymologically speaking, is that which brings you contentment through doing good for others. It is doing work with honor. It is doing work for others, work that protects and endows others with safety and gifts.

Bliss is a winding road. It is the byproduct of a life well lived.

It’s not something you are simply given; it’s something you create.

Following your bliss is a path full of whispers and nudges of all the different ways you can serve others, in ways that fulfill you and tickle your heart. So listen… and when you come to the forks in the roads, realize there is actually a whole spaghetti junction of possibilities that could be your bliss. 

Greatness 101

Here is your mission, should you choose to accept it:

Become Vibrant, Visible, and Vital, so that you can build your authority and make your difference in the world.

In the comedy, “Twelfth Night,” Shakespeare suggests that “Some people are born to greatness.  Others have greatness thrust upon them.”

Like it’s either/or.

I beg to differ.

I think most of us respond to an inner call and grow into our greatness.

You are on the trajectory of growing into your greatness through your own Hero’s Journey and by positioning yourself as a mentor for someone else

Even as powerful as you are, it can still feel overwhelming.

When you feel intimidated, just remember:

  • You don’t have to have all the answers. Share valuable insights.
  • Choose your platform. Start small and don’t be afraid to scale.
  • Not everyone is your audience. Talk to your One Reader.
  • Tailor your content to his/her current Stage of Awareness.
  • Everyone wants what you’re selling, but nobody wants to be sold to.
  • Be transparent and real.
  • Always Be Growing.

How can I support your greatness today? Reach out to me here.

Mentoring the sale through relationship-based marketing. Because the next best thing to following your bliss is empowering someone else to follow theirs.